Tag Archives: tired

Day 9: Sleepless in Minneapolis

Hotels are a far cry from home and my body is quickly realizing that. We both have been struggling to get a tolerable nights sleep so far on this journey and are rapidly wearing down. However, we are nearing the end and are finally in some realm of civilization, looking forward to the opportunities afore us. Today is going to be jam packed with fun and prizes (hopefully) and will see us into Milwaukee. We’ve concluded that the flooding will hopefully not be detrimental to the interstate and we will be able to make safe passage through Illinois and Indiana on our route home.

Time for another low pressure shower followed by crappy hotel towels. See you soon, Ontario!

Insert Witty Title Here

Good morning. Or, afternoon for some of you. Good evening if you’re somewhere about the world other than North America. Sometimes you just need to mail in a post and I think this is one of those days. I’ve been sitting on a piece of information for a couple of days and haven’t really figured out how to go about putting up, so I’m just going to put it up. No bells or whistles. My brain is not functioning at full capacity today [Ed note: When proof reading I realized I had left ‘not’ out of this sentence. Case and point.] – a late night (or early morning, depending on how you look at it) arrival home from work combined with someone’s pocket calling me from an eastern time zone at an ungodly hour has left me in need of coffee and wanting for ideas.

So here’s this:


Yes, another contest. This one is on the back burner compared to the first one. Not to say it isn’t important or cool – I would just rather take six months to circumnavigate the globe rather than do a ten day life swap. However, seeing as that I was eligible to enter thanks in part to this mockery of language I call a ‘blog’ (which is an ugly word and prefer to call it something more interesting….but again, brain ain’t workin’ at the moment), I figured I’d toss my hat into the ring. Feel free to vote if you so choose, though I’m hoping to sneak into one of the non-voted in spots if it all possible. We shall see. Here’s the other link if you feel like giving me some love:


I’ve been slowly inching toward seventy-five votes which is great. My goal if not to qualify is to break one hundred votes. I think that would be a fair accomplishment. Especially now as there are twenty-five pages of contestants and the lovely Ms. Carter has surpassed seventy-five hundred votes. Which is both absurd and impressive. I think she would be a wonderfully deserving winner, however, I’m still jealous and would love to win too.

Anyway, thanks to Hostel International for hosting this second contest and we shall see what becomes of it. For me now, it’s chores and hopefully a nap before work.
