Tag Archives: service industry


I’ve always been told, ‘make the best of a bad situation,’ and ‘when life gives you lemons,’ etc. Normally I support those idioms and their respective ‘glass half full’ optimism. However, I’m sure the creators of said cliches did not have bills piling up. Two weeks ago I was excited to go on vacation, this week though, the prospect of a five day weekend is definitely not as exciting. With ‘nothing for you today’ on Friday and again on Monday, I was looking forward to seeing what I could do today. When the office didn’t answer my call I figured there was nothing again. But, like a trustworthy employee I waited by the phone. And waited, and waited some more. Near five hours later I received my call back, saying ‘nothing for you today, call us tomorrow.’ The baseball fan in me immediately thought of ‘three strikes and you’re out.’ So the resumes have been flying out and I’ve taken an exploratory walk around the neighbourhood to see what’s around and am now ‘taking the bull by the horns’ or ‘taking things into my own hands.’

I’m glad to have found out last night that I could access my student line of credit when I wish to return to school, but I still think it would be beneficial to have some savings to offset that. The conundrum I’m faced with now is my desire to enter a new field. I appreciate with the quick service industry has done for my bill paying, but it’s a life I’m tired of and am not going to go back to. I want to find something I like and that I’m good at. I want a job I will be excited to go to. The only issue here is experience. The two industries I’m interested in really require experience to be successful – neither of which I have any formal training or experience in, only personal adventures and independent study. Nevertheless, I will keep calm and (insert idiom) on. Until then, it’s resumes and cover letters, with occasional breaks via the six stringed therapist.