Tag Archives: qotsa

That’s Why They Call Me A Workin’ Man

That’s what I am. Sweet Rush songs aside, I am indeed working and have had very little free time. We slowly but surely have moved into our apartment, though there are still pictures to be hung and boxes to be emptied, but for the most part we’re here. We also got our cat back, so it’s nice to feel like a family. My landlord hooked me up with the lead contractor for the apartment company we live in, so I’ve started my first ‘hard labour’ job. It also means there is some commuting – which in the GTA isn’t fun. At all. But a paycheque is a paycheque. Needless to say, I’m looking forward to this long weekend as well as to pop back to Vancouver next week for a graduation ceremony. I think I deserve a vacation after this week and a half of hard work… Literally my days have been up at 5:30, eat and shower, drive two hours to job site, work for eight, drive for two, eat and shower, go to bed. It was painful. Luckily I’ve moved sites and am closer to home – but still, the trauma of seven am traffic will never be forgotten. The QEW is a wasteland of steel and exhaust. I will admit that I liked the Gardiner/Don Valley portion – the scenery was cool. And there was a lot of time to admire it while I sat in my car, rocking out to Queens of the Stone Age and a mix tape I found from the early thousands. A shame Rush wasn’t on it though…