Tag Archives: moving

Finally Moving

Well, it’s been a few weeks of silence from me and that’s because moving sucks. There was days without internet, lots of running around, and general business. What’s been new? Lots of seeing family and friends, that’s for sure. Good to catch up with everyone I’ve seen thus far, and looking forward to seeing those I haven’t yet. I walked into a job thanks to my landlord, who has hooked me up with the general contractor for the company that owns our apartment complex. Pretty cool stuff. Still have many errands to run, license changing and whatnot, so life still isn’t quite back to normal. Hopefully we can sort our lives out pretty soon and have an enjoyable summer in Hamilton!

Day 1 & 2: Portland

Good afternoon, world. We’re alive and well in Portland, which is our favourite American city by leaps and bounds. Unfortunately, GFT has a twenty page paper to write over the course of our trip, so she has relinquished some of the fun times today in order to get some work done. I’m super proud of her for trying to work in the van. She’s also hammered a few pages while I was out and about this morning. While she was slaving away, I walked around the Old Town and popped into Powells books to find some cheap reads. Up next will be a quick walk down the block to Burnside Brewing for a pint before getting ready for dinner at Beast (super excited). After will be a nightcap at Alameda Brewing (GFT’s favourite beer is from there – Yellow Wolf IPA). Then, up bright and early and off to Montana.

Yesterday sucked. Packing and moving is the worst thing ever. We took much longer than anticipated and by the time we got out of Vancouver, it was two in the morning before we checked into our hotel. Granted, an hour of our travel was dinner, which was at a cute little brewhouse in Bellingham, Chuckanut Brewery and Kitchen. Cute town, great beer and pretty good food too. Portions were a bit ‘American,’ but that means we didn’t need to buy lunch today. So I approve of that. Also, our safety chains were dragging and sparking and several drivers were telling us to pull over. I had no idea what was going on and it took a trip around the parking lot for us to figure it out. But everything seems to be in order now and that makes us both much more comfortable. 

As for writing, well, I’ll do my best to work while GFT works (except in the car, when I’ll be driving). I realize I still have to finish my recollection of our summer road trip, so I’m pretty far behind in that respect, but I’ll try to do as good a job as possible of relating what’s happening day by day. I also noticed that I had a few drafts I was going to write about prior to leaving, but packing really consumed that final week. Ideas were: “Cue up the Kanye 2: Diddy edition” and “It starts with beer, ends with beer and has a bit more beer in the middle. Oh ya, and some national parks, too.” Diddy edition was going to be about our travels home in reference to another bit I wrote about that last year not realizing that ‘Coming Home’ was by Puff Daddy and not Kanye West. My bad. The second was going to be a overview of our plan for the trip which includes beer in Portland, beer in Montana and beer in Milwaukee. There was also going to be mentions of the national parks we are going to stop in and also a reiteration that we are not alcoholics, but that we are fascinated by beer as a sommelier is knowledgable of wines. So be prepared for lots of beer related info, some nature related stuff and a whole bunch of ‘sitting in a car for twelve hours straight kind of sucks.’

Oh and this is my one-hundredth post. So hoorah for that.

See you tomorrow in Big Sky Country.


“Change of Scenery”


Now it’s a stretch. I’ve realized there’s more I’ve enjoyed than didn’t. Scenery is a miss because I never once went skiing or snowboarding, snowshoeing or sledding. The Ocean is a miss because I went to the beach, but never swimming. It’s a shame that all I did was look at it and now instead of mountains and the Pacific, I’ll have Lake Ontario and the Escarpment.


But I’ll say it was incredible to look at. All of it. The mountains and the water, the beaches and islands, Whistler to Seattle, Victoria to Tofino, Kelowna to Portland. The scenery of the Pacific Northwest is unlike any I’ve ever experienced first-hand and rivals anything I’ve seen on the Travel Network. If you need any reason to visit this area, it should be to make your eyes happy.

Another lame post? Ya, I guess. But it’s going on ten o’clock and my hands are chapped from all the taping of boxes – probably shouldn’t have said I’d post every day! We have the Uhaul hanging out in front of our apartment and tomorrow will be a big day. Good night!

40 Hours To Freedom

By east coast standards, this post won’t actually be arriving on Monday, but I’m still living by Pacific time, so I have three sweet hours to still keep my word. Earlier today I was out and about enjoying the sunshine. I had just finished work and was on my way home. Daffodils have bloomed, cherry’s and magnolia’s are looking absolutely beautiful and occasionally, the gentle breeze would brush past me, carrying with it notes of propane and seared meat as the barbecues of the neighbourhood have been dusted off and fired up. I can only hope this weather continues until we leave as I fear what lies ahead of us back home. But regardless of the wonderful, sunshiney day, there is something else that has put a spring in my step this Mirthful Monday, and that is the fact that i have only forty thirty-two hours left of work until sweet, sweet freedom. Joy!

That’s all I’ve got right now – time to get back to dishes and packing. Maybe re-watch The Sandlot. Looking forward to a sublime week!


The End is Nigh

I’ve been slacking lately on my Mirthful Monday’s, so I figured I might as well do one on time this week. There’s not too much to say though, really… Today I’m continuing to pack. I’m going slow so that way it won’t be as tough to do last minute, but also can allow us to use most of our stuff until that point. I also don’t want to make the house a disaster in anticipation of our Blue Jay home opener party (one more week!!!). GFT had her grad banquet on the weekend and it was pretty epic. Everyone looked really nice and it was a tonne of fun. Venue was a bit over the top in my opinion, and the drink prices were a tad bit outlandish, however, everyone seemed to have fun and that’s what really matters. To think, only a few more weeks until these people become the next generation of the law in our country… be very afraid… Of course, also only a few more weeks for me at work as well, so that’s exciting. What else….Uhaul is booked…we are negotiating an apartment too, so we won’t be homeless…. we’re trying to cross stuff of the bucket list, but time is fleeting and money is tight…pretty much just mayhem over here.

So what makes me happy this Monday? Everything. I’m proud of my girlfriend and her friends for making it through school…I’m pleased that we get to see our family (and our kitty!) soon…I’m very happy we have a trailer and an apartment all lined up…and I’m very excited to go on an adventure!

Until my next sparse conglomeration of words, I hope you’re happy today, too.

A Hallowe’en Costume Idea

A few months away still, but it’s never to early to start thinking about it…

Finding a family doctor, a lady doctor, a dentist. Car insurance, life insurance, renters insurance (and an apartment to rent). Transferring phones. Finding hydro, heat & water providers. Being legally common law partners, but being residents of separate provinces – how do taxes work? Paying student loans and then returning to school. Finding a job. Finding a career. Moving expenses. Exams. Groceries. Birthdays. Anniversaries. Guy Fawkes Day. Somehow planning and adding a potential wedding in the middle of all of that…

This hallowe’en I’m going to be the scariest thing I can think of: real life.

(exhaling slowly) Thanks for that, just needed to vent.

In actuality, this hallowe’en I think I’m going to make a shirt with a calendar on it and then put a big strawberry on each of the Sunday’s…